Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks, Assholes

Lately, I feel compelled to acknowledge something that I often don't vocalize or convey to people:

There are always periods in our lives when we are a tad nihilistic, We impetuously/carelessly forsake the attention of those that have a profound impact upon our existence--those that are just there.

In our extremely fast-paced, seemingly scurrilous lives, it becomes all the easier to maintain well intentions to congratulate and cooperate, yet these well meanings often get swept away amidst the fog of uniformity and anonymity.

Well this is indeed a very public decree, for the six of you that read this, that I am unquestionably indebt to all of you for assisting--at times directing, sustaining and helping--me to become the person that I am today.

From the bottom of my heart and soul. All you people, you make this thing good. You make it all worth the bullshit.

Thank you.

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